No. All company owners are encouraged to claim their company report and add info that consumers want to know. It is always free. Simply by adding your info you can max out your Key Docs and Report scores to 100 points each. The two of these scores combined represent 20% of your TOTAL SCORE with 80% coming from your super-composite star rating score.
It’s true we only have a small volume of passionate homeowner fans right now and it will take you a few minutes to claim your company report page, but doesn’t it make sense to be the “big fish” in the little pond, especially if that pond is growing. There’s no sense turning your back on very logical homeowners and allowing your competitors to cream this market of the best new customers.
First claim your company report page, adding info to your profile. Your TOTAL SCORE will then get a boost and be maxed out because Key Docs and Report info count 20% in the TOTAL SCORE. Since companies are ranked higher when they rate higher your company is elevated on the Category Report page in each city you serve and be seen and contacted above your competitors who did not claim their company report.
Yes. We believe it is wrong to count any score, good or bad, from a non-customer.
Homeowners who see the logic in relying on a super-composite rating that is optimized for accuracy and recency rather than the inaccuracy of single-site reviews. These homeowners skew toward the higher income since there is a strong correlation between household income and measured intelligence.
Achieve a TOTAL SCORE of 90+, allow our writers and videographers to upgrade your company profile to attract good new customers by adding content and stories about your expertise, staff and projects. Agree to our best practices requirement and complaint resolution process. Certified companies pay an ongoing certification fee which allows us to provide this valuable service to the public and elevate your company in the areas that you serve.
Currently Greater Los Angeles and Greater Austin Texas.
This is always free. No company can pay for a higher score. All companies can claim their company report and add info to increase their Key Docs and Report scores. To max out your company’s score, simply claim your company report and follow a few simple steps.
It could go up as much as 20%. Simply by adding your info you can max out your Key Docs and Report scores to 100 points each. The two of these scores combined represent 20% of your TOTAL SCORE with 80% coming from your super-composite star rating score.