Our Rating Process

The Most Logical Ratings of Local Companies Ever Presented.

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We’ve spent decades helping consumers find local companies that deliver on their promises. Now, we give you ONE AllRatings, the most accurate ratings of local companies ever presented.

ONE AllRatings reads AllRatings and reviews from all review sites so you don’t have to. Then we remove non-customer scores, we weight newer scores more than old ones, and we downweight less trustworthy reviews sites and companies that game the system.

We give you a super-composite star rating score that makes you smarter. And we give you two additional scores, a key document score for license and insurance and a company report score that includes essential profile articles, job photos and guarantees.

Three Rating Symbols

One of three rating symbols is assigned to each company based on its TOTAL SCORE.

OAR_logo__Low rating


TOTAL SCORE below 80.0

OAR_logo__High rating



OAR_logo__Highest rating


Certified for required license, insurance, complaint handling, full disclosures, and backed by the ONE AllRatings Performance Guarantee.

How to Read the ONE AllRatings Data Stack



A 100-point scale is used to display each company’s ONE AllRatings TOTAL SCORE, calculated by weighting their Stars Score at 80%, Key Docs at 10% and Report at 10%. The five rating stars directly above TOTAL SCORE visually display this score.


Indicates the number of review websites analyzed to calculate Stars Score.


Indicates the number of reviews analyzed to calculate Stars Score.


Indicates the final super-composite calculation of all reviews scores from all sources, optimized for accuracy and recency.

Key Docs

Indicates the percentage of key documents that have been verified. Based on industry and location, these may include license, insurance, owner ID, vendor payment score and complaint bureau status.


Indicates the percentage of company report disclosure information that has been provided by company. These include staff contact info, essential profile articles, company photos and proof of work.


A 100-point scale is used to display each company’s ONE AllRatings TOTAL SCORE, calculated by weighting their Stars Score at 80%, Key Docs at 10% and Report at 10%. The five rating stars directly above TOTAL SCORE visually display this score.


Indicates the number of review websites analyzed to calculate Stars Score.


Indicates the number of reviews analyzed to calculate Stars Score.


Indicates the final super-composite calculation of all reviews scores from all sources, optimized for accuracy and recency.

Key Docs

Indicates the percentage of key documents that have been verified. Based on industry and location, these may include license, insurance, owner ID, vendor payment score and complaint bureau status.


Indicates the percentage of company report disclosure information that has been provided by company. These include staff contact info, essential profile articles, company photos and proof of work.

Super Reviews - We’ve Read Them All So You Don’t Have To.

You could try to read every review a company has scattered over 7 to 10 review sites. Or you can make the smart choice by simply reading their ONE AllRatings Super Review. You see, we’ve done the reading and analyzing for you and present you with a summary of the key points made by customers to give you a sense of who those customers are. Try it.

ONE AllRatings Compared to Single-Site Reviews

OAR Logo
Rating Platforms

Non-Customers Removed

Star ratings from people who never purchased from a company are removed and not counted in their score.

Reviews Counted from People Who Never Used A Company

Includes ratings from people who never bought from companies that they review.

Weighted for Recency

Star ratings from customers who bought from a company in the past year are weighted more than years-old customers.

Very Old Reviews Counted The Same as New Reviews

Companies change, so old reviews are less predictive of the experience you should expect. Yet they’re weighted equally.

Credentials Score Displayed

A company’s license, insurance and complaint status score are shown in Key Docs and included in our 100-point rating.

Unlicensed and Uninsured Companies are Given Equal Standing

Your family is at risk if you mistakenly hire an unlicensed or uninsured company.

Report Score Indicates Full Disclosure

A company’s key contact people, specialties, guarantees and business practices score is shown in Reports and included in our 100-point rating.

Opaque Company Profiles

Companies can hide behind incomplete or inaccurate profile descriptions and avoid disclosing key staff backgrounds and contacts.

Super-Composite Score from All Ratings is More Accurate

Derived from all the reviews available on each company and optimized for accuracy and recency.

Single-Site Reviews Miss Most of the Reviews on a Company

Taken separately, each review site doesn’t have enough reviews to produce a full picture of a company’s true rating score.

ONE Allratings Is Your Guide To Smarter Choices


We’ve all felt the frustration of choosing a 5-star-rated company, only to be mistreated. Now you can make a smarter choice. Think of ONE AllRatings as your guide to choosing local companies with confidence. We’ve spent decades helping consumers find local companies that deliver on their promises. Now, we give you ONE AllRatings, the most accurate ratings of local companies ever presented. Use it to make smarter choices. You don’t have to get mixed up with a bad local company. Instead use ONE AllRatings and find local companies that truly deserve their high ratings. Here’s why you’ll become a confident buyer. More

If you had the time, you could go to 10 different review sites and calculate average star ratings for each company. Sounds good, but there are real problems. Your go-to review sites equally weight the star score value of a 7-year-old review and a review from last month. They equally weight the rating from a person who says they’re not even a customer with a rating of a paying customer, and many allow obviously fake reviews. You can end up feeling the frustration of dealing with a bad company that gamed a good rating on those review sites. We’ve solved these and other big problems.

ONE AllRatings reads all ratings and reviews from all reviews sites so you don’t have to. Then we remove non-customer scores, weight newer scores more than old ones and down-weight less trustworthy review sites and companies that game the system. We give you a super-composite star rating score that makes you smarter. And we give you two additional scores, a key document score for license and insurance and a company report score that includes essential profile articles, job photos and guarantees. Smart. ONE AllRatings. All is better than some.

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Limit of Liability

The ONE AllRatings® symbol is not a promise of a company’s future performance or your actual satisfaction with that company. We endeavor to perform the ratings process accurately and without bias according to the description supplied. Since we rely on multiple sources of information and each company’s performance can change over time, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided herewith. The content and materials provided are provided “As Is” and without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall we be liable to you or any other entity for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages. The ONE AllRatings CERTIFIED® symbol does not mean that a certified company will meet every individual’s subjective markers for satisfaction. We do back our certification with a Performance Guarantee, which is our sole guarantee provided users of any information related to ONE AllRatings.